Friday, 16 September 2011



saliste is one of 18 villages called marginimea sibiului, meaning borders of sibiu. Its importance for us was that it has a campsite from where we can drive into sibiu to explore. The afternoon we arrived we strolled around the village looking for a restaurant which julian, the charming campsite owner, had called 'simple'. We had drinks but passed on eating there later. We wondered if simple meant more pickled cabbage and polenta with mince. Been there, done that !

I found the church which has a fresco so rude that it is kept covered up. Tourists can ask to see it but as the church was locked and it was a holy day i contented myself with taking photos of the frescos around the outside. Saliste has a river running through it and about six 'magazin', small supermarkets. These vary in size and contents, only one of them approaching the sort of corner 'spar' that we are used to. I was looking for a tin opener, as you do, and so did a lot of gesturing which was understood by all but the last proprietor who tried to sell me a tin of corned beef which had a 'key' he kept telling me. I bought a bottle of romanian beer out of embarrassment ! But no tin openers to be had anywhere.

Back at the campsite where we were the only campers we idled away the afternoon. I wrote several cards and hearing a tapping behind me, turned to find a woodpecker in a nearby tree. It was some time before he took fright and left. Coming back from our walk we had heard goats bleating behind a high wall opposite the campsite entrance. Stray dogs loll and scratch in the road and there has been a horse and cart jingling past in the evening. On the telegraph pole at the entrance there is a large stork's nest but, sadly, the storks left about three or four weeks ago. Despite the fast and noisy main road about a kilometer away we are in the countryside again.

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