Saturday, 23 February 2013

wow, wow, and wow again!

Wow, wow and wow! The northern lights came out to play last night, our first night at sea! We had left the intercom on in case there might be a message from the bridge and at 2am there was! We fell into our clothes and rushed out. If someone hadn't told me I would have thought it was light pollution from a city beyond the horizon but then it changed and moved very slightly over the half hour or so that we watched. In lou's photos, (mine were black!) there is a beautiful green arch across the sky. Stunning! After a while the fact I had on only fleecy pyjy bottoms was making itself felt. Next time i'll pull on some jeans! So indoors to the coffee machine to warm up and back to bed. It was hard to sleep after all that excitement but I think we got some snatches of sleep. now we are up and watching a town come closer from our large porthole. Our cabin is on deck 5 which is where the early morning message told us to watch from. it is the boat deck and people can walk past our 'window' at any time! The cabin itself is positively palatial and bigger and better appointed than I expected. Bigger than our last hotel room in fact! :) the boat is pristine and has several comfy places to sit and watch the scenery go by. I even found a fitness room on the car deck so may be trying out some moves in order to counteract the impact of the hearty meals if last night's welcome buffet is anything to go by! Yesterday morning was blue and sunny and we had time to go back to take photos of the bryggen in sunlight calling in at the fish market on the way that we had finally found the evening before. The market was very prim and proper after the french fish markets where the varieties of fish vie for space and eyes gaze at you from every direction. Here they were regimented into rows and the emphasis was clearly on making sure there was a good choice of picnic options for tourists. Maybe on the way back! We wandered the back alleyways of the bruggen that, yesterday, we had thought were private but the visitors centre, like the museum, didn't open til 11 o'clock as many of the cafés do too. We found one in the end open for coffee close to the streets we had walked yesterday during our impromptu guided tour! Afterwards we walked up to take a photo of one of those roofs that I had meant to take before. The church was now open so we went inside. As I pushed open the inner doors I could hear an organ playing. As I began to walk down the aisle I realised it was my favourite hymn that we chose to sing at our wedding. I started to well up! :) back to check out of the hotel and walk the cases down to the terminal. We had to hang about as we were too early but the sun was shining and the seats in the waiting area comfy. Then back up to the 'penguin' cafe/bar for more of their yummy soup and a couple of glasses of white! This is becoming a habit! We dawdled back to the ferry which was now in and looking comfortably huge for the journey we were about to embark on. Various boarding procedures over and we were finally able to unpack in our own cabin and know those damn suitcases won't be needing to be lugged anywhere for awhile!

1 comment:

Golden Oldie said...

so the lights came out to play...wonderful

by the way, Kerrie would like to wish Lou a happy joint birthday...she's enjoyed hers, which mean that Lou is bound to enjoy the rest of the day