Thursday 13 September 2012

plan b, marinello

so onto plan b...not much of a variation, simply a change of campsite. this morning we left by about 9.30 which surprised lou! we took the autoroute towards messina but left it at fuimefreddo (cold smoke?) to cross over to randazzo taking in the views of etna on the way. it smokes! i hadn't realised as it was shrouded in cloud on our way down. we drove through woods and vineyards and lava fields. i hopped out at one point to get myself a lump of black lava.
in randazzo we parked up near the town centre and went to find bread, postcards and coffees. mission accomplished on all three plus some yummy pastries and some mortodello (garlic spam with pistacchios) for lou's lunch. i had half of last night's pizza waiting for mine. randazzo old town is built entirely of lava. we both thought it was too soft!
from there tom tom took us through some gloriously rugged and high country but on the descent to the north caost decided to go for goat tracks! lou managed to swing the camper round some frighteningly tight bends and rough roads with overhanging trees until we came out on the route national between messina and palermo. the site i'd chosen is ok but, sadly, the weather first turned very windy and then rainy and then the odd bit of thunder. no matter, we have books to read and free wifi so the afternoon will pass gently!


Anonymous said...

By the way, are you intending to stop and see Pompeii/Herculaneum on the return journey? I could not remember if that is on your itinerary. Nearby is Solfatara,an interesting volcano that you might enjoy visiting. I have an amazing rock that I purchased from there some time ago..very glittery.

Vivienne said...

You may have guessed that the previous comment was from me..I forgot to add my name. Viv