we're home!
sncf tried to stop it happening right up until the last minute.
the berlin train to paris did run and we were on it. and very posh it was too...breakfast included in the first class ticket, beautifully appointed compartment with hot running water and mouthwash provided and, piece de resistance, a shower at the end of the carriage with gushing hot water and shower gel. so i arrived in paris fresh as the proverbial daisy!
we had a second petit dejeuner at austelitz (sp?) station cafe and revelled in real butter croissants and real orange juice. 'look, it's got bits in', declared lou. our first proper juice since leaving france!
the weather was lovely all the way to brive and then sncf struck again...no train! so we finished our epic train journey across europe and asia and back again in the ter 'car', (coach to non french speakers).
at biars, our loyal friends were waiting, after two days delay and one false start, with a welcome home banner, flowers and kisses and an invitation to dinner, the only proviso being that the rugby was not to be missed! so we rode home surrounded by warmth and love...the best way possible to travel...thank you to sian, chris, megan, bethany, aiden, caitlin, summer, oscar, justin, cherry, amalie and quince
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