the rain of friday and saturday turned into snow on sunday!
after hanging around the hotel all morning we felt the need for exercise and diversion. so, after lunch and armed with the brollies, we set off to find the moscow museum of modern art. we got lost, comme d'hab. but not too badly and were able to retrace our steps back up the pretty 'boulevard'of pastel houses and railed central garden.
the museum was wonderful, spread over three floors and containing four exhibitions as well as the permanent displays. 'modern' seemed to be anything after 1900.
we loved one of the installations in 'constructivo' that used sound and was interactive. lou said into the mic 'gavin would like this' and we heard it repeated interspersed with the previous speaker's russian comments. the piece was called 'i love you' so that is what i said being the romantic one. we could have played for hours! (i've since googled the piece and it was created in 2005 and the artist is well known in the uk, andrey bartenev.)
each room was guarded by genteel ladies, one of whom harangued me in russian. lord knows why, i had just pointed out a chagall to lou. did she not like the english? or chagall?
after we had had a really good look round it was back out into the snow and into a cafe for a pot of tea and chocolate cake. the muscovites love to spend time in cafes of which there are many, always busy and full of yummy goodies to tempt you! :)
still snowing today but it has to be the kremlin as we haven't done it yet! :)
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